Summative Task
Compare the Flint Sit-Down Strike to the 2023 UAW strike. In what ways are the workers’ demands similar or different and what did the workers gain from each strike?
ELA connection – Compare the plight of the autoworkers to that of the animals in the novel Animal Farm. Why were the autoworkers successful in their endeavors while the animals failed?
Taking Informed Action:
Understand - Research a labor law from the 20th century and describe its impact on workers (or teens) today. (Minimum wage laws, overtime, 8-hour workday)
Assess – Is the labor law utilized to its original intent or could it use a further revision? OR How well is the labor law being utilized? Is it meeting the needs of today’s workers?
Act – Write a letter to a member of Congress detailing a labor issue that is important to you today which needs action. Or write a letter to a member of Congress explaining the impact of labor laws on minors today.